Në tryezën “Zbatimi i ligjit për dekriminalizimin dhe sfidat e zbatimit të tij në zgjedhjet për Kuvendin 2021” ambasada e Mbretërisë së Vendeve të Ulta ishte bashkëorganizatore, por edhe donatori kryesor i nismës mbi dekriminalizimin, e cila po aplikohet nga ISP prej vitit 2019.
Ambasadorja Guusje Korthals Altes deklaroi në takim mbështetjen për nismën dhe rëndësinë e standardeve të integritetit për partitë dhe zgjedhjet parlamnetare 2021.
Midis të tjerash ambasadorja deklaroi:
The Dutch have a strong belief in democracy and accountability. But the Dutch also are very much involved in the democracy and accountability exercise. Putting a lot on the shoulders of civil society. This is the model we are supporting in the Albanian setting. Where civil society becomes a strong partner of all the development and institutions, yet having the voice to speak up, hold accountable and thrive for transparency.
In January 2020 the Institute for Political Studies (IPS) published an analysis report that provided a good basis of the state of affairs on the enforcement and impact of the decriminalization law, 5 years after it entered into force. That report was discussed in a technical round table (mid-February) where progress made as well as potential improvements that would enhance the enforcement and impact/efficiency were put into perspective by the institutions in charge (CEC, PG, Public Admin Department, political parties).
In the course of one year that this project is rolling, decriminalization keeps popping up. The survey that IPS has carried out recently with two groups of respondents (random public/citizens and experts/officials) has revealed interesting findings.
Once the survey was made public and a reformatted Central Election Committee became operational, together with OSCE we considered that the recommendation of IPS to hold a technical discussions on this topic, hopefully having all key institutions up and running – was timely and necessary.